Christmas in South Australia 2021

Christmas in South Australia 2021

Don’t bother with jewellery or video games this Christmas, South Australians have had enough unwanted surprises this year

Without a doubt, 2021 has been an eventful year. With uncertainty nipping at our heels and decision making flip-flopping all over the place, we have taken one decision off the table for you; last minute Christmas present shopping woes begone!

In our November Omnibus Survey, we asked South Australians (18+) to nominate which present category they themselves would like to receive. The verdict is in, with over 50% of people wanting to receive either: gift cards, experiences/ tickets, or consumables (chocolate and wine).

Gift cards and vouchers are a safe bet. With over two thirds of South Australians (69%) wanting to receive a gift card or voucher for Christmas.

Young singles and under 40s want tech for Christmas. Technology and electronic devices are a popular choice for younger audiences, especially with under 40s (54%) and young singles (69%) choosing electronics, it’s a safe bet to go under the Christmas tree.

Don’t get Pop and Gran socks and jocks this Christmas as 50% of those 65+ don’t want to receive a practical gift. Try gifting a voucher or gift card instead.

Home-made gifts are a hit for families with young children. Families with the youngest child 4 years or younger are significantly more likely to want to receive a home-made gift (63%).

Don’t re-gift second-hand gifts to over 40s. People over 40 definitely do not want a pre-loved gift (41%), compared to a quarter of under 40s (25%), who are happy with this environmentally friendly option.

As for spend, most of us are in for an expensive season with Australians set to spend a whopping $11 billion on Christmas gifts this year*. Shopping cart spends are already breaking records, and our research shows that almost half of the South Australian population (48%) is gearing up to spend between $100- $499 and one in four (39%) are expecting to spend $500 + with overall spend estimated around $455 per person.  

Unsurprisingly, children are set to be spoiled while our work-family is missing out. On average, South Australians spend around $300 on their own children with one in five parents (19%) spending $500 and more.  In comparison, a much smaller average budget is allocated for friends ($86) and work mates ($56).

With Christmas gift anxiety avoided, we can finally focus on our holiday plans. Almost a quarter of South Aussies (23%) are planning to take a well-deserved break this Christmas. Good news for tourism in South Australia as most people planning to travel will do so within the state (62%) to either explore our own backyard, or to visit friends and family. One in five are planning to travel interstate (21%) and 18% are clearly exhausted from the year and are excited to just relax at a home staycation.

From the team at McGregor Tan, we wish you a safe and happy Christmas. (And you can thank us later for saving you the trip to the mall to exchange unwanted gifts.)

McGregor Tan Omnibus Survey, n=400, November 2021

*Source: Australian Retailers Association, 2021

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