McGregor Tan has developed a model which unpacks the customer journey, taking into account the different stages of the buyer decision-making process. While the consumer may consider purchases as rational decisions, marketers know that in reality, it is the emotional aspects that are more likely to drive purchases. By aligning the rational process of the consumer with their emotional state, we can gain insight into how to better influence customer buying decisions.


Using both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques, McGregor Tan collects feedback from the community on their attitudes, opinions, knowledge, behaviour and satisfaction level associated with various social and community issues. Surveys and Focus Groups are tailored to our clients’ needs to guarantee the best insights and actionable solutions to support intelligent business decisions and results. Community Satisfaction Surveys are often undertaken by local government authorities with residents to help inform future Council activities based on the Community’s feedback.


Customer Satisfaction Surveys give your customers a voice and allow your business to act on their feedback in a timely manner. Happy customers are valuable assets to an organisation and may result in repeat purchases and brand advocates. Unhappy customers, on the other hand, can be damaging to your company and brand. Using quantitative market research techniques, our team of questionnaire design specialists work with you to design questions specific to your business and to draw relevant insights from customers overlayed with actionable business solutions. With the increased popularity of online survey tools, we often see organisations attempt to undertake their own internally designed satisfaction surveys. However, we find this renders biased results or that the results are difficult to analyse. Effective questionnaire design and analysis is a science which we have been perfecting for more than 40 years.


Mystery Shopping is designed to provide companies with valuable insights into customer service, customer experience, product quality, and adherence by staff to in-store regulations and policies. Mystery Shoppers are hired to visit a specific location and to perform the agreed-upon task(s), which may include raising a complaint, buying particular products or asking specific questions. Insights gained from this type of research may be used to improve customer service, employee training, and other business area improvements.

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